Frequently Asked Questions

We currently offer permanent home lighting solutions in: Utah, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, and North Carolina

The lights are rated for roughly 50,000 hours of use. Most people use the lights for around 5 hours a night and at that rate they should last around 25-30 years.

There is a 5 year warranty for the parts and a 1 year warranty on the labor.

Our business model is centered around customer service, giving the highest quality service and product to each customer. We also offer triple bulb LED lights where many of our competitors are only single bulb lights. Our lights are also able to cover a complete white spectrum which allows the lights be brighter and more vibrant than competitors.

We color match every single house to whatever material and color the track sits on. This allows them to be nearly invisible and as least intrusive as possible.

Each light outputs 72 lumens.

There are three per bulb.

They typically sit inside of your garage and we take great care to make sure they are as seamless and least intrusive as possible. If you want them located in a different location we can definitely accommodate that, just know that the controller box audio-listening feature may be affected.

You can choose from over 16,000,000 colors.

You'll be able to control the lights with your mobile device on our app.